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Resection Of Leica TS 09 total station

In the resection method, you can use a total station to set up from two control points while the machine is positioned anywhere. To set up the total station, you need to level and center it properly. 

👉 Let's dive into the topic of resection with Leica's total station TS 09. Although the video is in Urdu, you can read this article and watch the demo. 

👉 On the main screen, you will see several options: station setup, survey, and stake out. Click on station setup, and you will be directed to another interface. Click on Continue to see more options on the next screen. 

👉 To proceed with resection, select it by clicking the arrow on the screen and then click on continue. You need to give a name to the station point, provide the height for your machine, and continue with the process.

To begin setting up your total station, first, identify your initial point and give it a name. You can view your coordinates by clicking "View" 👀 and then click "Continue" to proceed. Make sure the cross-hair of the total station is accurately aligned and press F2 to begin measuring your first point. Once the total station has recorded your first point, press F3 to securely store the data 🔒. On the next screen, you will find the following options: • F1: Measure additional points ➕ • F2: Measure on another face 🔄 • F3: Access tolerances 📏 • F4: Compute 🧮 To measure the next control point, select F1 and repeat the process of targeting, naming, measuring, and storing. You can record up to 10 control points. Once you reach the final control point, press F4 to compute the resection. This will give you the station coordinates and level, indicating that your total station setup is complete 🎉.


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